
Kemi joined the 30 Days of Beautiful campaign at the nudging of her friend Ebony. She said that this was completely out of her comfort zone, but clearly she came and slayed! Kemi showed up completely ready and we had a ball. We laughed and clowned and both were impressed at the great makeup she got done at Sephora. Keep reading to see how she did during her shoot and to learn a little bit more about Kemi.

Where is your hometown and how long have you been in the DC metro area?
Atlanta, GA. Been in DC about 4.5 years

All about Self-Love

When do you feel the most beautiful?
I feel most beautiful when I’m smiling and laughing and able to fully embrace the beauty around me.

Do you have a self-care routine? If so, what is it?
Self-care man, I’m learning to figure out what this is. My favorite self care routine as of late is learning to say no. Saying no to the things that hurt me, fill me with anxiety, waste my time, or just telling myself no that I don’t have to go 1000 miles a minute. I can take a step back amd just be.


What does being Fiercely Feminine mean to you?
Being Fiercely Felminie is embracing who you are. Being hella hella sexy, but also smart. Valuing your worth and not afraid to embrace your own sexiness and light.

What is a goal you have been working on?
I really feel as if I’ve changed a lot over the past two years. So I’ve really been focusing on aligning my life with my now  priorities, especially having a family of my own and running off with the love of my life.

What advice would you give to your younger self?
Trust yourself, that feeling, embrace it.

Finish the statement – I am a woman who…
Is. Beautiful, smart Who fiercely loves, is resilient, worthy of love, joy, and happiness

Anything else we should know?
This was great!