In the 13 or so years that I’ve known Kandis she has always been a go-getter. Nothing seems to stop her and she keeps it moving in a seemingly effortless way. For instance, her photo shoot for the 30 Days of Beautiful campaign almost didn’t happen. She forgot she scheduled herself for a course and was even more surprised that they required the camera to be on the zoom meeting. Talk about multi-tasking! We pushed through in between her participation in the class and made it happen. Keep reading to learn a little bit more about Kandis.
Where is your hometown and how long have you been in the DC metro area?
Chicago. Here since 2006
Are you a mother? If so, how old are your children?
Michael – 9
Kadence – 5
Are you a business owner? If so, tell us what that business is and who it serves.
Science, Technology, Education, Arts, and Math activities for youth.
All about Self-Love
When do you feel the most beautiful?
When I practice self-care
Do you have a self-care routine? If so, what is it?
Meditate daily
Exercise daily
Journal daily
What does being Fiercely Feminine mean to you?
Loving the skin that I am in.
What is a goal you have been working on?
Inner Peace
Career Ascension
Weight Loss
Budget Enhancements
What advice would you give to your younger self?
Thank you for not giving up younger self. It all works out in the end. All things are working for my good!
Finish the statement – I am a woman who…
Is relentless at achieving her goals
Anything else we should know?
Thank you for the opportunity!